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mangrove swamp中文是什么意思

用"mangrove swamp"造句"mangrove swamp"怎么读"mangrove swamp" in a sentence


  • 红视泽
  • 红树低洼地
  • 红树林沼泽
  • 红树沼泽


  • The trip allows tourists to enjoy the sight of mangrove swamps and species of birds
  • Long time ago , pulau ketam was desolated , small island full of " mangrove swamps " amd famous for its crabs
  • This fish can " walk " on land by using its strong fins and tail to skip along the mud in mangrove swamps and estuaries at low tide
  • Line b : start at 8 : 30am at the gate of wanlvyuan hainan tropical wildlife park & botanical garden tropical ecological international airport mangrove swamp civilized ecological villages viewing the underseawater villages relics on the beachside centuries - years - old banyan oyster - cultivating farm back to haikou & disperse at the gate of wanlvyuan
    早8 : 30万绿园出发西海岸带状公园海南热带野生动植物园(午餐)车览热带生态机场海底红树林文明生态村百年参天树岸观海底村庄祖孙牵手榕生蚝养殖基地车览琼州大桥万绿园散团。
  • Line b : start at 8 : 30am at the gate of wanlvyuan hainan tropical wildlife park & botanical garden < lunch > tropical ecological international airport mangrove swamp civilized ecological villages viewing the underseawater villages relics on the beachside centuries - years - old banyan oyster - cultivating farm back to haikou & disperse at the gate of wanlvyuan
    早8 : 30万绿园出发西海岸带状公园海南热带野生动植物园(午餐)车览热带生态机场海底红树林文明生态村百年参天树岸观海底村庄祖孙牵手榕生蚝养殖基地车览琼州大桥万绿园散团。
  • Glide side - by - side with a graceful giant manta ray as it arches and swoops through water sparkling under the hot baja california sun . witness the pageant of migrating whales , the elaborate tango of courting terns as well as the battles of lumbering elephant seals . fly over sweeping vistas of snow - capped mountains , vast deserts , palm oases , and mangrove swamps - then plunge into astonishing underwater sequences of rarely seen marine life
用"mangrove swamp"造句  
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